Sunday, May 31, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

One week old

It is hard to believe that it has already been a week since our sweet little boy came into this world. We had tried to imagine what he would look like and how we would feel once we were able to hold him. All of our expectations were blown away once he was born. Cooper is truly the most wonderful thing that Terry and I have ever created. We still can't believe he is ours!! Sadie is adapting as well. She is very maternal and loves to be near him all the time. They are going to be best friends! ( :

Sadie brought her toys over to play!

Introducing Cooper

Cooper Bennett Jaimes was born on May 15, 2009 at 12:36 pm. He weighed 7 lbs, 6ozs and was 18 inches long. The entire experience was so surreal and truly incredible, thanks to the staff at Memorial Hermann in Katy. Terry was a wonderful coach and continues to amaze me with his love for both me and Cooper. He changed all of his diapers at the hospital - - without a mask! ( : We appreciate all of the prayers received throughout this pregnancy and especially on the day of Cooper's birth. We love you all!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Code Thunder

With 12 days left and counting, I thought I would let you all in on our little secret code. Because our lives have been wrapped up in baseball, (until this recent UIL break), Terry has come up with his own code so that if I go into labor while he is at a game, he can leave immediately. He assures me that the name has to do with a football play and not my size (HA!). The trainer on the team has the duty of carrying around his cellphone, so that if I call and it is time to go to the hospital, then she will hold up her arms in an X position and yell out "Code Thunder". We have had a few trial runs when I was unaware of the seriousness of this call. I am just glad that I have such a thoughtful and creative husband that would take the time to come up with our own code to signal it was time for him to drop everything that he is doing and come and take me to the hospital! Ahh, the joys of being a coach's wife. ( :

So, when it is time, we will send out a text that simply says "Code Thunder" and you will know that Cooper is on his way!