Monday, February 16, 2009

3 months to go!

Yesterday marked our 3 month countdown. Our days of sleeping in, deciding last minute to go and see a movie, wandering around the plant store and re-landscaping the backyard are over. Or at least for a little while. So many people say that life as you know it is over once you have a baby. Life is not over, you just have to improvise. And oh, how much sweeter it becomes!! Some of our Houston friends have recently had babies, so Terry and I are making the rounds, practicing our skills and barrading them with questions and different scenarios. Overall, I think we are pretty prepared and yet not naive that we can do it all and are never going to have a "What in the world am I doing??" moment. We are just going to take it one step at a time!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 weeks

At last a new picture of the bump! As you will notice it is not a full picture because unbeknownst to me, my face has become fuller as well! And who wants to willingly post that? Besides, you are all here to see how much our little Cooper has grown. This morning I woke to little "jumps" letting me know that he had the hiccups. It has been so much fun for Terry and I to watch him move from side to side and interact with punches and kicks when we talk to him. Up until now he has been a night owl, so I am having difficulty enjoying my full 8 hours that I have been accustomed to. He has recently started making his presence known in the morning, especially if I have missed my mid-morning snack. We will be getting the 4D ultrasound in a few weeks, so stay tuned!